DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE / DIVISION OF ANIMAL SERVICES - Director of Animal Services Thomas Moss and Animal Care Center Manager Christine McClintock
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Animal Care Center Manager to sign the agreement with DocuPet Corp., for the purpose of providing pet licensing services in an amount not to exceed $40,500, effective upon the date of signing and shall terminate on 12/31/27 (Subject to receipt of required insurance documentation)
Financial Impact:
Funds for this agreement in the amount of $625 per month ($7,500 annually) are available in the department’s budget. The Division anticipates secondary savings of approximately $12,000 in license tags, office supplies, and postage, for a net savings of approximately $4,500 annually. These savings are dependent on utilization of the on-line licensing portal versus in person licensing. Additionally, many DocuPet users see an increase in licensing compliance over the first year. In this case, the Division may see some increased revenue from additional licensing compliance.
Background Information:
The Division of Animal Services is seeking to contract all dog licensing services with DocuPet, an online licensing management platform. Through DocuPet, the Division will be able to offer online licensing renewal services, email licensing renewal reminders, and extended customer service support over the phone. Clients will still have the option to renew licenses in person at the shelter, and mail in renewal services will continue to be provided. By contracting with DocuPet to provide this service, the Division will be able to reallocate some of its resources to focus on direct animal care, while providing a higher level of service than is currently available. DocuPet offers additional benefits to pet owners, including lost and found support services, and canvassing modules are available for our field services partners if they wish.