Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Air Pollution Control Officer to sign the Woodsmoke Reduction Program Retailer Agreement with Redding Heating & Air Conditioning which allows them to participate in the Woodsmoke Reduction Program as a participating Retailer in amounts not to exceed the predesignated amount for each voucher issued, effective upon execution by both parties and to terminate on 6/30/26
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact to the General Fund associated with this item.
Background Information:
The Wood Smoke Reduction Program (Program) is a statewide initiative that employs cap-and-trade funds to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This Program also offers the added benefits of reducing black carbon and fine particulate (PM2.5) emissions. Its goal is to assist households in replacing uncertified wood stoves or inserts, currently used as their primary heat source, with cleaner-burning, more efficient devices. Enhanced incentives are specifically available for disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households. According to the California Air Resources Board Woodsmoke Reduction Program guidelines, the replacement device must be installed by a professional, appropriately licensed stove installer (Installer) and meet local fire and building codes. Installers interested in participating in this Program must agree to the Program’s terms and conditions by signing an agreement with the District. The retailer agreement ensures that the retailers are eligible to participate, in order to participate in the Program, the Installer will be required to agree to the following: Abide by the terms and conditions of the Program; Unless verified by the District, verify that the old device and the replacement device qualify for the Program; Conduct professional installation of the qualified device in compliance with all applicable State, county, city, or tribal codes/ordinances; Provide residents with training on device operation and maintenance and, if applicable, for wood burning devices, best practices in wood storage and woodburning; and Render the old device inoperable and recycle it, if recycling is available in the area.