Resolution to Ratify the GreenDOT Agreement for Study - Deputy Director Riske-Gomez
Requested Action(s)
Adopt the Resolution 11-2024 to ratify and affirm the Agreement for the Climate Implementation Program Development.
Financial Impact:
$247,576.48 in Federal and State funding.
Background Information:
Resolution 02-2022: Designated Authority, directs staff to execute or administer all related work, including but not limited to: allocation requests, certificate of assurances, standard agreements, exchange agreements, fund transfer agreements, final expenditure reports, grant proposals and all related work, fixed asset procurement, invoices, reports, request for proposals, amendments, budget updates, correspondence, and California Transportation Commission (CTC) agenda items for State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) projects.
Resolution 02-2022 further authorizes the Executive Director or The Deputy Director-Transportation to execute all documents related to transportation funding. Staff, due to extensive delay in approvals of the agreement include herein, utilized the signature authority of the Executive Director to execute the AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TEHAMA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION AND GREENDOT TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS FOR THE CLIMATE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT on October 2, 2024.
Resolution 11-2024 ratifies the actions taken by the Executive Director of the Commission on October 2, 2024 (attached) to execute the agreement in order to avoid further delay which jeopardizes the utilization of the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) funding which is set to expire December 31, 2024.
Delays leading to staffs' decision to execute and request ratification is contributed to:
* REAP funding project application approval.
o The project funding application was originally submitted on January 26, 2021 and version eight (8) was approved August 22, 2022.
* Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) funding awa...
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