SHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Chair to sign the Agreement with Day Wireless Systems, for the purpose of providing radio communications service and associated products to public agencies and private entities in and about Tehama County in the amount of $2,632 per month with maximum compensation not to exceed $31,584, effective 8/1/24 and shall terminate 7/31/25 (Subject to receipt of required insurance documentation)
Financial Impact:
This agreement has been budgeted for FY 2024-25 in the Sheriff’s Maintenance of Equipment account 2027-53170.
Background Information:
Tehama County had been utilizing services with Day Wireless Systems for the past two years when Valley Industrial closed their business. Day Wireless Systems provides maintenance on the Sheriff's radio system which includes mobile & vehicle radios, the 9-1-1 system, dispatch, and radio repeaters.