SHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Sheriff to sign the Letter of Agreement (LOA) No. 2025-44 with the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration to accept funding to be used for location and eradication of illicit cannabis plants, in the amount of $32,000, effective 10/1/24 through 9/30/25
Financial Impact:
The funding source for this program is the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) grant in the amount of $32,000. The grant period is 10/1/24 to 9/30/25. The grant funds are used to pay for overtime, aircraft time, training, and supplies. These funds were included in the FY2024/25 Sheriff’s budget.
Background Information:
This is an operational plan for eradication of specifically marijuana. The Sheriff’s Office is part of an informal marijuana eradication task force involving several Federal and State agencies that have been in existence for over 24 years. The grant funds are reimbursable for up to $32,000 in overtime, aircraft time, training, and supplies expenses.
The Sheriff’s Office has other grant funding to provide law enforcement services to support operations to suppress manufacturing and trafficking of controlled substances. The Sheriff also provides law enforcement services for the protection of persons and their property. The Letter of Agreement (LOA) is specifically for cannabis eradication, which greatly effects our community.
By not approving this request we run the potential of having a budget deficit at the end of the fiscal year.