Bylaw Update - Deputy Director Riske-Gomez
Requested Action(s)
Approval of the Tehama County Regional Transportation Planning Agency Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) proposed bylaw amendments.
Financial Impact:
Background Information:
The Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) established the Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) in accordance with Public Utilities Code Section 99238 of the Transportation Development Act. The Council serves as an advisory body in regard to the transit needs of transit dependent and transit disadvantaged persons, including the elderly, handicapped and persons of limited means.
The SSTAC is meant to be used as a platform to ensure citizen participation throughout the region, which includes the annual Unmet Transit Needs process. Periodic review of the bylaws is a function of the Counsil, and the following recommendations are being brought forth at this time.
1. Meetings: The SSTAC will meet bimonthly, on the first Thursday of the month at 3:00 PM in the Conference Room of the Tehama County Transportation Commission and Transit Agency Board office building located at 1515 Schwab Street, Red Bluff.
2. Quorum: A majority of the nine (9) voting members will constitute a quorum in order to conduct the business of the SSTAC.
The draft Bylaws were taken to the SSTAC on October 4, 2024 and were approved to recommend to the Transit Agency Board.