DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE / DIVISION OF ANIMAL SERVICES - Director of Animal Services Thomas Moss and Animal Care Center Manager Christine McClintock
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Animal Care Center Manager to sign the grant agreement with Best Friends Animal Society accepting a one-time grant in the amount of $5,000, effective 11/1/24 through 12/31/25
Financial Impact:
Funds for the requested action are a result of the Best Friends Animal Society grant. There is no impact to the general fund.
Background Information:
On January 25, 2023, the Division was selected by Best Friends Animal Society to be a Peer Mentor to Colusa County Animal Shelter. As a Peer Mentor, the Division was recently selected to receive a one-time grant in the amount of $5,000 as a way to build upon its leadership position as a regional and national leader in the field of animal lifesaving.