PURCHASING DEPARTMENT - Senior Buyer Debbie Schmidt
Requested Action(s)
a) Request approval of specifications for the annual Smog Check & Certification bid commencing on 1/1/25 through 12/31/25
b) Request authorization for the Purchasing Department to solicit bids for the annual Smog Check & Certification Bid, with bids to be opened on 12/18/24 at 3:00 P.M. in the office of the Purchasing Agent, 727 Oak Street, Red Bluff CA
Financial Impact:
Funds for smog certification have been budgeted in each department's maintenance budget for the current fiscal year.
Background Information:
The County is required by law to certify that County vehicles are smog compliant. By bidding this service the County will save on the cost of smog certification compared to charges on the open market.