PUBLIC WORKS - Interim Public Works Director Will Pike
Requested Action(s)
a) CHANGE ORDER - Request authorization for the Public Works Director to issue Change Order No. 12 to the Agreement with S.T. Rhoads Inc. (Road Agreement #2024-03) for the 99W & South Main Street Project, to install two pairs of future-use utility crossing conduits, in the amount to $6,500
b) CHANGE ORDER - Request authorization for Public Works Director to issue Change Order No. 20 to the Agreement with S.T. Rhoads Inc. (Road Agreement #2024-03) for the 99W & South Main Street Project, to place 1-1/12 inch granite rock in-fill, in an amount equal to $8,000
Financial Impact:
The total financial impact is $14,500.
This project contract is budgeted in the Road Fund - Professional and Special Services #3011-53230. This project is funded by a combination of Federal and State funds comprised of CMAQ, DEMO, SHOPP, STIP, HIP and RSTP. There is no impact to the General Fund.
On March 26, 2024, the Board awarded the contract for the 99W & South Main Street Project, Federal Project No. RRSTPL 5908(100), County Project No 2708181 to S.T Rhoads as the low responsive bidder in the amount of $14,499,406.50 (Road Agreement #2024-03). At that time, a 15% contingency in the amount of $2,213,743.50 was also budgeted to the construction contract to address Contract Change Orders. This contingency is reimbursable through the project funding. Pursuant to Public Contract Code 20405(d)(3), the Director of Public Works is authorized $210,000 in signature authority for the issuance of Change Orders to the contract.
To date, $1,172,487.38 in Contract Change Orders have been approved.
Approval of these Change Orders would leave a remaining contingency budget of $1,026,756.12.
Background Information:
The change order to project plans are necessary to address various unforeseen field conditions. Contract Change No. 12 adds a pair 3-inch diameter utility conduits to the ce...
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