Requested Action(s)
a) TRANSFER OF FUNDS: ACO-PLANT ACQUISITION, B-41, From State Grants Revenue to Contingency, $745,577; and From Contingency to Walnut Street Slurry Seal, $745,577
b) Consider adoption of a finding that the Walnut Street Complex Site Accessibility Project is categorically exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA) (Class 1 Categorical Exemption) and direction to the Chief Administrator to file the Notice of Exemption
c) Request approval of the plans and specifications for the Walnut Street Complex Site Accessibility Project as amended by Addendum No. 1
d) BID AWARD - Request to award the bid for the Walnut Street Complex Site Accessibility Project to SnL Group, Inc. of Redding, CA as the low responsive bidder in the amount of $505,000 for the base bid
e) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Chair to sign the agreement with SnL Group Inc. for an amount not to exceed $515,000 (including both base bid and Additive Alternate No. 1) (subject to receipt of required insurance and bonding documentation)
f) Request blanket authorization for the Chief Administrator to execute change orders for the project in an amount up to 10% of the contract price, with all change orders being brought back to the Board for confirmation
Financial Impact:
There will be no fiscal impact on the General Fund. This project is fully funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. With approval of the included budget adjustment, the project is budgeted in ACO,1081-57597.
Background Information:
On January 7, 2025, the Board authorized staff to advertise the Walnut Street Complex Site Accessibility Project for construction bids. The bid opening took place on February 4, 2025, and five (5) bids were received. The contractor's bid for the base bid, plus one alternate additive, ...
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