PUBLIC WORKS - Director Jim Simon
Requested Action(s)
a) CHANGE ORDER - Request approval and authorization for the Director to issue Change Order No. 11 to the Agreement with S.T. Rhoads Inc. (Road Agreement #2024-03) for the 99W & South Main Street Project, to increase current embankment width so it is sufficient for the planned sidewalk, in an amount equal to $43,000
Financial Impact:
The Construction (CON) phase of this project is funded by a combination of Federal and State funds comprised of CMAQ, DEMO, SHOPP, STIP, HIP and RSTP. This project contract is budgeted in the Road Fund - Professional and Special Services #3011-53230. The Board awarded the contract for the 99W & South Main Street Project, Federal Project No. RRSTPL 5908(100), County Project No 2708181 to S.T. Rhoads Inc. as the low responsive bidder in the amount of $14,499,406.50 on November 11, 2024 (Road Agreement #2024-03). A 15% contingency, in the amount of $2,213,743.50, was budgeted to the construction contract to address Contract Change Orders and is reimbursable through the project funding. At that time, the Director of Public Works was authorized $210,000 in signature authority for the issuance of Change Orders to the contract, pursuant to Public Contract Code 20405(d)(3).
Approval of this Change Order would leave a remaining contingency budget of$1,900,727.82.
Background Information:
The plans call for construction of a new sidewalk from "SM" station 40+23 to 39+00.However, there is insufficient embankment width available to construct the planned sidewalk section without encroaching into the flowline of the adjacent roadside ditch. The installation of a 24-inch culvert is necessary to convey stormwater through the new improvements.