JAIL CELL SAFETY PADDING PROJECT - Administrative Analyst Tom Provine
Requested Action(s)
a) Consider adoption of a finding that the Jail Cell Safety Padding Project is categorically exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA) (Class 1 Categorical Exemption) and direction to the Chief Administrator to file the Notice of Exemption
b) Request approval of the plans and specifications for the Jail Cell Safety Padding Project
c) Request authorization for Administration to advertise for bids on the project, with the bid opening to be held at 3:00 p.m. on 6/14/24 in the Administrative Office, 727 Oak Street, Room #202, Red Bluff, California
Financial Impact:
The project is included in the current Jail maintenance budget.
Background Information:
This project is for the repair of safety padding in two cells located at the Tehama County Jail. If these repairs are not approved, the safety padding material may be further damaged by inmates housed in those cells.