Requested Action(s)
a) RESOLUTION - Request adoption of a resolution authorizing Bekkie F. Emery the Director of Social Services as ex-officio Executive Director of the Community Action Agency or her designee to sign all California Department of Community Services and Development agreements and other documents, including all exhibits and assurances contained therein, and any amendments thereto, and to sign all subsequent required fiscal and programmatic reports, with any agreements coming back to the Board for approval on a subsequent agenda.
Financial Impact:
Funding from the California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is received annually. These funds are Tehama County Community Action Agency's (CAA's) primary grant source used to increase community-based programs.
Background Information:
CAA uses funds provided by CSD through CSBG to support the needs of low-income community members throughout Tehama County through staff and community partners, and programs related to food, housing, asset development, and family development support. CAA has received this funding on an annual basis since 1998 and is required to enter into agreements with CSD to receive funding. This funding is essential to CAA in administering programs and services to low income individuals and families.
CAA receives a CSBG contract and Discretionary Funds contract annually from CSD. CAA must return all contracts and any amended contracts to CSD within 45 days from the date the agreement is mailed to CAA. These contracts require several documents to be gathered and for a new Work Plan to be created each time. By the time a completed contract makes it through CAA internal processes, the County approval process and receives Board of Supervisor approval, we are outside of the 45 day time frame for completion.
The attached resolution would allow CAA to comp...
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