Requested Action(s)
a) RESOLUTION - Request adoption of the resolution approving the adoption of the revised Conflict of Interest Code for Corning Union Elementary School District
b) RESOLUTION - Request adoption of the resolution approving the adoption of the revise Conflict of interest Code for Evergreen Union School District
c) RESOLUTION - Request adoption of resolution approving the adoption of the revised Conflict of Interest Code for Rio Alto Water District
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact.
Background Information:
The Political Reform Act requires every local government agency to review its Conflict-of-Interest Code biennially. A conflict-of-interest code tells public officials, governmental employees and consultants what financial interests they must disclose on their Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700).
By July 1st the code reviewing body must notify agencies and special districts within its jurisdiction to review their conflict-of-interest code. No later than October 1st of each even-numbered year, each agency must submit to the Tehama County Board of Supervisors a notice indicating whether or not an amendment is necessary. If amendments to the agency’s Conflict of Interest Code are necessary, the amended code must be forwarded to the Board for approval within 90 days of filing the biennial notice. For example, if the amendment is due to the Board of Supervisors by January 1, 2025.