Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Executive Director to sign the Amendment No.1 to the agreement with Coastal Business Systems (Misc. Agree. #2020-167) for the lease and maintenance of one (1) multi-function device (copier/printer/scanner/fax) for $161.25 per month, plus maintenance costs billed monthly at $0.0065 per black & white copy, for sixty (60) months, thereby amending the maximum compensation payable amount from $9,675 to $14,000, effective the date of signing and shall terminate on 10/12/25
Financial Impact:
The costs of the agreement are budgeted in the 40131 budget unit for FY 24/25. The maximum compensation amount is increasing from $9,675 to $14,000.
Background Information:
The Board of Supervisors approved the original agreement and bid waiver on 8/25/20. This Amendment No. 1 will be increasing the maximum compensation amount from $9,675 to $14,000. The original maximum compensation amount only accounted for the monthly lease costs, but did not account for the cost per copy charges, resulting in the agreement exceeding the maximum compensation amount before the termination date of the lease. If this amendment is not approved, we will not be able to pay the monthly lease & cost per copy charges and will be in breach of the agreement.