BUILDING / PLANNING / ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - Environmental Health Director Tia Branton
Requested Action(s)
a) ORDINANCE NO. 2140 - Request adoption of an ordinance to implement the Tehama County Park Fire Urgency Ordinance relative to temporary housing for those displaced by the Park Fire
1) Waive the reading
2) Accept the introduction
3) Adopt the Ordinance
Financial Impact:
No significant impact outside of the anticipated budget.
Background Information:
The fire now known as the "Park Fire" started on July 24, 2024 in Upper Bidwell Park on the edge of Chico, California. It quickly moved into Tehama County and has burned over 432,000 acres in Butte and Tehama County and is now the fourth largest wildfire in state history.
In Tehama County alone the fires have destroyed approximately 281 private structures, and several commercial structures and caused significant acreages of timber to be burned. This has created an accumulation of fire debris, much of which has been determined may contain hazardous materials.
Uncontrolled hazardous materials and debris pose significant threats to public health, through inhalation of dust particles and contamination of drinking water supplies, and improper handling of hazardous materials can expose residence to toxic materials and improper transport and disposal of fire debris can spread hazardous substances throughout the community.
Current threats to recovery include obstacles to rebuilding in the Park Fire areas, including (1) a lack of available housing, (2) a lack of availability of homeowner's insurance for residents.
Many Park Fire survivors continue to need access to temporary housing while awaiting resolution of the foregoing. If the Board of Supervisors finds it is necessary to adopt and implement transitory housing measures and temporary housing to expedite the transition of residents who are without housing or have been displaced by the Park Fire to interim and long-term shel...
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