CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - Administrative Services Director Tom Provine
Requested Action(s)
a) INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION - Informational presentation regarding the Tehama County facilities Capital Improvement Plan
Financial Impact:
No impact from this presentation. Recommendations will be forthcoming for projects to maintain and improve County facilities according to priorities as set in the plan.
Background Information:
On 2/24/2024 the Board authorized staff to proceed with a contract with Sightlines LLC, to develop a comprehensive County facilities assessment, in order to create an ongoing capital improvement plan. This assessment included extensive evaluations of all County-owned facilities, in order to create an objective and fact-based list of needs, goals, and priorities.
The team is ready to present preliminary findings to the Board in order to receive feedback and direction. Upon completion of the strategic capital planning process, the final capital plan will be presented to the Board and will be used as a baseline for a Capital Improvement Plan to be reviewed and updated annually as part of the Recommendation Budget process. This process will be used as a tool for both Staff and the Board of Supervisors to develop their priorities for future decisions funds available.