SHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain
Requested Action(s)
a) TRANSFER OF FUNDS: SHERIFF, B-30 - From Special Department Expense (2027-53280) $8,487.13 to Special Department Equipment (2027-57608), $8,487.13 (Requires a 4/5’s vote)
Financial Impact:
These funds are budgeted in the FY 2024/25 budget with no impact on the General Fund. The transfer is warranted due to the cost exceeding the fixed asset threshold of five thousand dollars.
Background Information:
The funds are to replace our current “throw phone” for SWAT/Crisis Negotiations. A “throw phone” in law enforcement is a specialized, ruggedized phone designed to be thrown into a secure location, for example during a hostage situation, the phone is used to establish communication with a suspect or barricaded individual, allowing negotiators to speak with them without direct physical contact.
The Sheriff’s Offices current “throw phone” is from July of 2000. Due to the age of the equipment and obsolete materials used in its construction, it has been highly recommended by the manufacturer to upgrade. The Quad Crisis Response Modular by Rescue Phone Inc. incorporates both cellular and landline capabilities, additionally it has an attached hardwire phone and wire spool that can be delivered to any suspect that is being negotiated with. The “throw phone” can be operational in areas where there is no cellular service available. Many law enforcement agencies throughout North American use the Quad Crisis Response Modular.