TEHAMA COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH / CODE ENFORCEMENT - Director Tia Branton, Sheriff Dave Kain, District Attorney Matt Rogers, Interim Building Official Patrick Ewald, Public Guardian/Public Administrator Melani Kain
Requested Action(s)
a) INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION - Presentation regarding abatement of unsafe buildings, blight and imminent health hazard cleanups and the associated costs
b) Direction to staff to accept the funding from the Major Crimes Board and to budget matching funds as required
Financial Impact:
Request for matching funds of $25,000 to serve as seed capital for initiating the program. Going forward, the program will be self-sustaining through reimbursements from abatement cases, which are invoiced, liened according to current procedures, and reinvested into this revolving fund.
Background Information:
One of Tehama County Code Enforcement’s goals is to abate unsafe and dangerous buildings and eliminate visual blight throughout the County. In order to effectively respond to citizen complaints and abate nuisances throughout the County sufficient funding needs to be allocated to Tehama County Environmental Health and Code Enforcement Department. On November 13, 2024, the Major Crimes Board (Anti-gang/Anti-drug Board) met and unanimously voted to contribute $25,000 to the Tehama County Environmental Health/Code Enforcement Department for the purposes of remediating parcels in violation of county codes that are associated with gang or drug activity, only IF we could secure additional funding to match the initial $25,000 donation, from the Board of Supervisors. This is a project that is supported not only by the TC Sheriff’s Dept., and the District Attorney’s office, but also by the Building Department and the Public Guardian/Public Administrator as all departments are negatively affected by these types of properties.