DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Agricultural Commissioner Thomas Moss
Requested Action(s)
a) TRANSFER OF FUNDS - AG COMMISSIONER, B-25 - From Other Government Agencies (2061-450740) to Contingency (1109-59000), $6,699.30; and From Contingency (1109-59000) to Fixed Assets - Special Dept. Equipment (2061-57608), $6,699.30 (Requires 4/5’s vote)
Financial Impact:
Funds for the requested action will come from Tehama County Air Pollution Control District AB2766 funding revenue. The financial impact will be zero to the General Fund.
Background Information:
The purchase of a Beam EV ARC transportable solar-powered electric vehicle charging station was approved in the Ag Commissioner’s FY 24/25 budget at an estimated cost of $68,942. Due to an unforeseen availability issue with the charging option for the new EV ARC, the revised cost of the station, which includes a replacement charging option and sales tax was higher than anticipated ($75,641.30). The amount requested is necessary to prevent budget shortages in the designated line items.