Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the ex officio Executive Director of the Tehama County Community Action Agency to sign Agreement #24F-3049 Amendment # 3 with the Department of Community Services and Development (Misc. Agree #2024-21 amended by Misc. Agree #2024-340 and Misc Agree #2024-341), increasing the agreement by $1,824 for a total of $330,753, effective 1/1/24 through 4/30/25
Financial Impact:
This contract provides Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding for Community Action Agency (CAA) activities. This Amendment No. 3 will increase the CAA budget by $1,824. The current budget is sufficient for this increase. There is no impact to the County General Fund.
Background Information:
This is an Amendment to the existing Agreement, which was originally approved by the Board on 1/23/24, Misc Agreement 2024-21. There were two previous Amendments to this Agreement in 2024. Amendment No. 1 was for an increase of $19,000 to the discretionary portion of the Agreement. Amendment No. 2 was also to the discretionary portion, in the amount of $7,000. Amendments 1 & 2 were approved by the Board on 11/5/24.
CAA plans to use these additional grant funds to support the Tehama County Meals on Wheels program which, CAA administers. Meals on Wheels provides meals to Tehama County seniors in both congregate and home-delivered settings.