PLANNING DEPARTMENT - Planning Director III Jessica Martinez
Requested Action(s)
a) PUBLIC HEARING - Conduct a public hearing to consider Tehama County General Plan Amendment #24-01
b) Request to find that the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA guidelines Section 15061 (b) (3) and adopt the findings relative to CEQA in the staff report and as contained in Attachment A;
c) RESOLUTION - Request the Board of Supervisors adopt the GPA #24-01 and resolution with findings as contained in Attachment A for the 2024-2029 Tehama County Housing Element Update.
Financial Impact:
Background Information:
The proposed General Plan Amendment #24-01 is an update to Tehama County’s Housing Element, which focuses on policies and programs that are designed to address the County’s share of the regional housing needs allocation. The Housing Element has been prepared to meet the requirements of the state law (Section 65580-655889.8 of the California Government Code) and to meet the community objectives as state in the General Plan. This Housing Element is for the planning period from 2024 to 2029 and complies with the state-mandated five-year cycle.