PUBLIC WORKS - Director Jim Simon
Requested Action(s)
a) INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION - Update to Public Works access to StreetSaver webtool
b) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Director to sign the annual Order Acknowledgement with StreetSaver (a division of Metropolitan Transportation Commission) for continued use and technical support services for the department’s pavement management software, effective 10/8/24 and renews annually until cancelled
Financial Impact:
The annual software subscription cost is $7,750. The Department has sufficient funds budgeted in Road Fund 3011-53230 for FY 2024-25.
Background Information:
Public Works entered into an agreement with Metropolitan Transportation Commission in 2018 to merge street data from an obsolete platform to StreetSaver pavement management software which holds information on the conditions of the County roads for planning of maintenance to the road system and road sign inspection data. The Department has annually entered into a subscription renewal agreement in order to maintain this data and the County will be held to this license agreement.