AUDITOR-CONTROLLER - Auditor-Controller Krista Peterson
Requested Action(s)
a) INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION - Report and Financial Overview for June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2024
Financial Impact:
There is no Financial Impact.
Background Information:
The June 30, 2024, report shows the Financial Status of Operating Funds 101 through 116 (excluding 104 - Fish & Game). The report gives revenue and expenditure totals by fund and budget unit for the June quarter. The June quarter includes the expense and revenues as of June 30, 2024, as well as June 30, 2024, with closing entry adjustments, and their affect on fund balance available by fund. The report reflects Final Budget for the year ending June 30, 2024. Final budget numbers include all budget adjustments approved by the Board throughout the year, Service and Supply budget adjustments requested by the department, adjustments made by Auditor-Controller for items over budget by category, as well as encumbrances adjustments.
The September quarter report shows the Financial Status of Operating Funds 101 through 116 (excluding 104 - Fish & Game). It shows expenditures and revenues by fund and budget unit for the 1st quarter of fiscal year 2024/25. The budget represents “final budget” as approved by the board, as well as some encumbrance adjustments made after the budget was approved.
Both reports include auditor overview and notes.