ADMINISTRATION / PERSONNEL - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick
Requested Action(s)
a) Discuss the creation of a consolidated Building & Planning Department
1) Request approval of the new classification specification of Director of Building & Planning at the proposed Salary Range 64, effective 12/03/24
2) Request approval and authorization to begin the recruitment process for the Director Building & Planning at Salary proposed Range 64
3) Direct Personnel Office staff to implement a plan for consolidation of the two Departments
b) Request approval and authorization to begin the re-recruitment process for the Director of Planning at Salary Range 57
Financial Impact:
Option A: The estimated annual cost for salary, benefits and roll-up costs for the Director of Building & Planning is approximately $167,236 - $198,587. The annual cost including salary, benefits, and roll-up costs for the Director of Planning is approximately $157,215 - $186,406. Therefore, the annual increased cost would be approximately $10,021 to $12,181. If a plan for consolidation of the two departments is directed, this action may result in a cost savings, however; only if the appointed Director of Building and Planning was a certified Building Official. The annual cost including salary, benefits, and roll-up costs for the classification of Building Official in Tehama County is $142,077 - $166,902.
Option B: There would be no increased cost associated with this request.
Background Information:
Tehama County currently has vacancies in both the Building Official and the Director of Planning positions. This provides the opportunity to revisit the concept of creating a consolidated Building and Planning Department.
A recruitment for the Director of Planning was flown for the period of November 7, 2023, through January 5, 2024. A total of three (3) applications were received. One (1) applicant passed the application screening process. The Board of...
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