PUBLIC WORKS - Office Manager II Amber Schertz
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT- Request approval and authorization for the Interim Director to sign the agreement with Cintas Corporation to provide uniform rental and supply services, with maximum compensation not to exceed $28,000, effective 3/31/25 through 12/31/27, with optional two (2) one-year extensions
Financial Impact:
Funds have been budgeted for FY 2024/25 in Road Accounts 3011-53110 and 53140. There will be no impact on the General Fund.
Background Information:
Cintas Corporation has been awarded the State Contract for uniform services. By using this service, Public Works will be able to take advantage of already negotiated pricing for a 3-year period.
This agreement has been modified from the County standard agreement, including terms in the insurance requirements, as requested by Cintas’ counsel, in order for the vendor to sign. The changes are visible on the attached Exhibit F draft agreement in red markup to sections 1, 10, 20, and Exhibit A, with section 10 being struck entirely. Any changes to the standard agreement require Board approval. If not approved, Public Works will lose the agreement and be without uniform and supply services for our fleet shop until we secure an alternate vendor.