ADMINISTRATION / RISK MANAGEMENT - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick
Requested Action(s)
a) Request approval of the list of employee positions that are authorized to take home County vehicles for County business purposes
Financial Impact:
The County is responsible for fuel, maintenance and insurance of take home County vehicles. These costs are included within the current budget of the affected department. Individuals are responsible for IRS tax liability, if applicable.
Background Information:
The Vehicle Use Policy allows department heads, in consultation with the Risk Manager and the Chief Administrator, to make the determination as to which employee positions have a need to take home County vehicles for County business purposes. The Vehicle Use Policy requires that a list of employee positions taking County vehicles home for County business purposes be placed on the Board of Supervisors agenda for approval each year as a move towards greater transparency.
The Vehicle Use Policy allows employees to take vehicles home at the discretion of the department heads under either of the following circumstances.
1. Temporary Take Home Vehicle: The Employee, with advance approval of the employee's Department Head, uses a County vehicle to commute to and/or from work on infrequent, occasional situations (such as when an employee is returning from an officially authorized trip after working hours or leaving before work hours), as temporarily assigned by Department Head or designee; or
2. Long-Term Take Home Vehicle: Justification for long-term take home vehicle assignment shall be based on one of the following:
a. The employee is required to participate regularly in official County business after normal business hours.
b. The employee must respond to emergencies which require immediate response and attention during off duty hours for the protection of persons or property. Such as emergencies must require immediate travel t...
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