ADMINISTRATION - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT- Request authorization for the Chief Administrator to sign the CARE Court Funds Agreement with The State Bar of California for the purpose of providing funding to the County for public defender services in the amount of $37,500, effective 7/1/24 through 1/1/26
Financial Impact:
The Fiscal impact is anticipated to be minimal, if any, to the County. Staff time will be obligated to review reporting from Public Defender(s) and some general oversight. Recovery of Administrative costs is permissible.
Background Information:
In 2022, Senate Bill 1338 was enacted, creating the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Court Program (Welfare and Institutions Code sections 5970-5987), as amended in 2023 by Senate Bill No. 35. In 2024, Assembly Bill No. 107 was enacted, allocating $16,750,000 ("CARE Court Fund") to be distributed by the Judicial Council of California through the State Bar via grant awards to qualified legal services projects. This includes CARE Court to public defenders for providing legal counsel representation in CARE Act proceedings, matters related to CARE agreements, and CARE plans by December 1, 2024.
The State Bar of California, a Legal Services Trust Fund Program has been established in the State of California. The Office of Access & Inclusion administers the Program. The Program includes an Equal Access Fund that is funded pursuant to the annual California Budget Act and the Uniform Civil Fees and Standard Fee Schedule Act of 2005.
The Funding Amount and all payments thereof shall be made from funds received by the State Bar pursuant to AB 107 and SB 1338 and are contingent upon the availability and sufficiency of such funds, as determined by the State Bar in its sole discretion. Consequently, the Recipient shall not be guaranteed any specific dollar amount in funds, or any funds at all, if funds received pursu...
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