PURCHASING - Purchasing Agent Tom Provine
Requested Action(s)
a) INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION - Review and possible direction to staff regarding the processing of agreements within the Board-designated Purchasing Agent’s authority
Financial Impact:
Financial impact will be dependent upon requests of the Board. Previous estimates have given an average cost of $200 for each additional agreement placed onto the Board agenda. Other potential costs include additional staff time, loss of efficiency, and increased costs for standby time to present items to the Board.
Background Information:
The Board of Supervisors requested a discussion of which agreements should be placed on the Board agenda for approval, rather than being processed by the Board-appointed Purchasing Agent under the authority set by the Board. This discussion will include clarification of concerns regarding spending authority, transparency, and efficiency of County business. The goal is to ensure that staff meets the Board’s expectations without negatively impacting department functions and service to the public.