ADMINISTRATION / PERSONNEL - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick
Requested Action(s)
a) OTHER THAN “A” STEP - Request approval to appoint the candidate as a Staff Analyst I at Salary Range 32, Step C, effective upon successful completion of all pre-employment requirements
Financial Impact:
The annual base salary for this 1.0 FTE position at Step C is $62,920, $5,865.60 greater than Step A. The Department has sufficient funding budgeted for appointment at Step C for the fiscal year 2024/25.
Background Information:
The candidate has extensive County employment experience, including working as an Analyst in another local County. This candidate ranked highly in the recruitment process, and has relevant skills to immediately fill anticipated specialized needs in the department with an upcoming vacancy. The increased starting salary was negotiated based on the candidate’s experience, skills, and background, which far exceed those of an entry-level employee.
The Personnel Office has reviewed the candidate’s qualifications and is in agreement with placement at Salary Range 32, Step C upon successful completion of all pre-employment requirements.