Grazing Lease Agreement
Requested Action(s)
1) Make a determination that the lease agreement is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2), (3) and 15378(a) of the CEQA Guidelines because the proposed acquisition does not constitute the approval of a project under CEQA and, therefore, environmental review under CEQA is not required at this time.
2) Approve the grazing lease with Tom Hardesty for a twenty-two month term for a total of $4,096.95 ($1,862.25 year one, $2,234.70 year two).
Financial Impact:
148.98 acres at a rate of $15 per acre ($1,862.25 year one, $2,234.70 year two).
Background Information:
Monte Shults ended his lease of 148.98 acres the Agency owns south of the Landfill in the Fall of 2024. Tom Hardesty, TH Cattle Co., contacted the Agency shortly after to inquire about leasing the property at the same rate of $15 per acre ($1,862.25 year one, $2,234.70 year two). According to the Tehama County Agricultural Department, the proposed rate of $15.00 per acre is fair for the current market. The attached proposed lease agreement with Tom Hardesty for 148.98 acres is for a twenty-two month term, commencing on January 6, 2025 and ending on October 31, 2026 at the same terms that were in place for the previous lease. The annual grazing season is from November 1 through June 1. The lease may be terminated by either party upon at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party.
As this is not a project, there will need to be a determination that the lease agreement is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2), (3) and 15378(a).