Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Executive Director to sign the Amendment #1 to the Agreement (Misc. Agreement #2023-224) with BHC Fremont Hospital, Inc. for the purpose of providing psychiatric inpatient services thereby amending the rates listed in “Exhibit B” for fiscal year 2024-25, with compensation not to exceed $300,000 in any one fiscal year and a total maximum compensation not to exceed $900,000, effective 7/1/23 and terminate on 6/30/26 (subject to receipt of required insurance documentation)
Financial Impact:
Services will be paid with Mental Health realignment funds and/or Mental Health Services Act dollars allocated for medically necessary services. There is no impact to the General Fund.
Background Information:
This is Amendment #1 to the Misc. Agreement 2023-224 approved at the Board of Supervisors meeting of 7/11/23 for the purpose of providing acute inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations on behalf of Tehama County residents. This amendment revises Exhibit B to update the rates for fiscal year 2024-25. This vendor is one of our scarce resources as a licensed, psychiatric care facility providing hospitalization services to mentally ill children and adults. All services are provided with the prior written authorization from Tehama County.
If this agreement is not approved, the Department would have fewer options for psychiatric hospitalization placements among the limited number of beds available throughout the state.