SOCIAL SERVICES- Director Bekkie Emery
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Director to sign the Agreement with Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. for the purpose of providing drug testing services in the total amount not to exceed $20,000, effective 10/1/24 through 3/31/25, with modified insurance language in Exhibit A (subject to receipt of insurance documentation)
Financial Impact:
Costs from this contract will be paid with both 1991 and 2011 Realignment Revenues. Costs have been planned in the FY 24/25 County Budget in 5013-532300.
Background Information:
Redwood Toxicology has provided these services to our department since 2010. This year the vendor is requesting substantial modifications be made to the standard insurance requirements in Exhibit A resulting in the need to bring this agreement to Board. County Administration reviewed the requested insurance language modifications. Because the language is substantially different from the standard, the agreement could not be approved as a Purchasing Agreement; however, it could be brought to the Board for approval if needed. County Counsel also reviewed and approved changes requested within the body of the agreement, but deferred the insurance language to County Administration. Parents undergo substance abuse testing when there is evidence that both or either biological parent who is seeking to gain legal visitation or custody rights of their child is abusing a substance (California Family Code section 3041.5). California Family Code Section 3011 states that the results of the testing are used in the content of the order or judgement determining custody or visitation. Drug testing is Court-ordered for families working with CPS. On average we conduct 300 tests on an annual basis in which 26% of the tests are sent to the lab requesting confirmation. This is a renewal agreement for a 6 month period in order to provide the manda...
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