ADMINISTRATION / PERSONNEL - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick
Requested Action(s)
a) Request approval to appoint Social Services Director Rebecca Emery as the Interim Public Guardian / Public Administrator, effective 11/26/24
b) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Amendment to the Employment Agreement for Social Services Director Rebecca Emery, thereby increasing her annual salary by an additional five percent (5%) for the additional assigned duties, effective 11/26/24 through 11/25/25 or until there is no longer a need for an Interim Public Guardian / Public Administrator
Financial Impact:
The recommended five percent (5%) salary increase results in an increased cost of approximately $1,021 - $9,278. The increased cost will be paid out of the Public Guardian / Public Administrator Department budget, which will impact the General Fund.
Background Information:
Social Services Director, Rebecca Emery has agreed to perform the additional duties of the Public Guardian / Public Administrator for the period beginning November 26, 2024, and ending November 25, 2025 or until there is no longer a need for an Interim Public Guardian / Public Administrator.
The Interim Public Guardian / Public Administrator is a department head level position and serves as the appointing authority for all personnel of the Public Guardian / Public Administrator Department. Directs and administers program policies and operations to ensure the effective provision of conservatorship administration to County citizens. Performs related administrative and professional work as required.
In order to compensate Ms. Emery for performing these additional duties, her salary will be increased by an additional five percent (5%) for the aforementioned period.