Outreach Update
Requested Action(s)
This item is for informational purposes only. No further action is required.
Financial Impact:
Background Information:
• Agency staff attended the Red Bluff-Tehama County Chamber of Commerce Good Morning Red Bluff event on October 31 to promote the Smart Business Alliance (SBA) and inform businesses of upcoming organics recycling laws.
• Agency staff gave backyard compost demonstrations to about 20 people attending the Sacramento River Discovery Center’s Fall Plant Festival on November 2. Staff also gave out 12 kitchen food scrap pails to attendees.
• Agency staff gave compost demonstrations to elementary school students during their field trip to the Sacramento River Discovery Center on November 7.
• Agency staff gave a presentation on pesticide container recycling to attendees of the Tehama County Agricultural Producer’s Day on November 19.
• The Agency provided cafeteria waste sorting supplies to Bend Elementary School in December and plan on giving a compost presentation to their 8th grade class when students return from winter break.