Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Child Support Services Director to sign the Amendment to Purchase Agreement Number 366PA24, dated 11/7/24 with ioPredict for the purpose of job analysis development, test development, and test administration for classifications within the County and training for staff related to CalHR requirements. The Amendment increases the maximum compensation to not exceed $90,000, and extends the term of the agreement to 6/30/28
Financial Impact:
The requested actions will be paid for with state funding and do not impact the County General Fund. The Department has salary savings which will be utilized to fund this expenditure. California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) gives Tehama DCSS a lump sum allocation to accomplish the mission of the department and meet operational needs. Subject to approval by the Board, Tehama DCSS has the flexibility by state funders to utilize and move the funds as necessary to operate and advance the department at any time of the year. At the end of the fiscal year, the department can carry over a very small percentage of state/federal funds to future years; the rest is given to another county or back to CA DCSS if left unspent.
Background Information:
In January 2025, the Board of Supervisors gave permission to the Personnel Director to sign the Conditional Approval for Tehama County to be an Approved Local Merit System (ALMS) with CalHR. The next 12 months is a transitional period where Personnel will make adjustments to Personnel Rules, and we will continue to work with CalHR on specific recruitments until we have developed a job analysis and exam for each position. Now that we are approved to be an ALMS County, we are expanding our original scope of work with ioPredict to enable us to complete this scope of work timely while we have state funds available.
Though CalH...
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