ADMINISTRATION - Administrative Services Director Tom Provine & Civil War Days Event Coordinator Rick Barram
Requested Action(s)
a) AGREEMENT - Approval and authorization for the Chair to sign the Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement for Special Use of Cone Grove Park with Rick Barram, Event Coordinator for Reenactors of the American Civil War, in which the park will serve as the location for the Civil War Days event to be held on Thursday through Sunday over the last weekend in April, until 2034
Financial Impact:
No direct financial impact to the County other than staff resources utilized for preparation and coordination for this special use.
Background Information:
Civil War Days is an educational reenactment event with a long history in Tehama County. In 2023, it was moved to Cone Grove Park for the first time, with approval from the Board of Supervisors, and repeated again in 2024. Due to the nature of the event, certain park regulations have been requested to be waived, as detailed in the agreement. Coordinators of the event have worked closely with County staff to ensure that all concerns can be addressed and mitigated for a successful reenactment to the benefit of the community. Due to the success of previous years and in order to ensure consistency for this community event, a ten-year agreement is being sought.