FY 2024/25 Quarterly Budget Update
Requested Action(s)
Review and approve the revised FY 2024/2025 budget, as presented.
Financial Impact:
Click here to enter Financial Impact.
Background Information:
Attached is a spreadsheet providing a summary of first quarter revenues and expenditures as of September 23, 2024.
The FY 2024/2025 budget utilizes the following revenue sources and is expected to result in a contingency of $53,984.73 (5.84%):
- Interest (440300) income is relative to federal interest rates. Pursuant to the guidance provided by the Tehama County Auditor-Controller for the purposes of budgeting interest income, interest revenue is predicted to yield approximately 2% for FY 2024/2025. The first quarter interest apportionment has not yet been posted.
- Gate Fees (461001), which are budgeted based on a flat monthly fee of $70,000 per month for FY 2024/2025, represent two months of gate fee revenues.
- Hazardous Waste Fees (461005) represents HHW business fees, donations made to the used oil collection facility (ABOPS) and Ag Oil Facility. The first quarter PaintCare reimbursement for our REAP paint reuse program have not yet been received.
- Miscellaneous Revenue (471120) generally includes grazing lease fees, and other small amounts of revenue. The grazing lease expired September 30, 2024, and the leasee opted to not renew the lease. An RFP for future land lease will be brought before the Board after preliminary environmental studies have been completed for Phase III.
- Interfund Revenue (461070) is reimbursed labor costs for grant-related work.
- Fund Balance Available (301900) income utilizes available funds from previous fiscal years as a funding source.
Expenses are projected as described below.
- Salary/Wages (510100), PERS (510200), OASDI (510210), Group Insurance (510300), and Unemployment Insurance (510310) take into consideration normal step increases at anniversary dates, the resi...
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