HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY - Executive Director Jayme Bottke
Requested Action(s)
a) RESOLUTION - Request adoption of a resolution to dissolve the Mental Health Board and Drug & Alcohol Advisory Board and merge into a combined Behavioral Health Advisory Board and integrate selected duties of the Mental Health Board and Drug & Alcohol Advisory Boards into the newly formed and named Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB)
b) Request approval and adoption of the Behavioral Health Advisory Board Bylaws
c) Request appointment of prior Mental Health Board & Drug & Alcohol Advisory Board and new members interested in a position on the Behavioral Health Advisory Board for staggered three-year terms
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact.
Background Information:
Over the past few months, staff has been working with the membership of the Mental Health Advisory Board and the Drug & Alcohol Advisory Board to determine if there would be efficiencies and benefits to a singular advisory board. As other counties have begun to consolidate advisory bodies to reflect the merging of substance use and mental health programs, the idea was presented for discussion to both local boards. Efficiencies discussed include the reduction of staff time in attending and supporting meetings, and greater communication between community members with shared interests and staff who conduct operations.
Both the Mental Health Board and the Drug & Alcohol Advisory Board voiced their opinions and provided input as to how a combined-focus Board would best serve Tehama County. On Wednesday, February 19, 2025, the members of the Drug & Alcohol Advisory Board and Mental Health Board voted to disband and create a new Behavioral Health Advisory Board. The bylaws of both Boards have been combined for the new Board.
California's Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 5604 et seq., establishes a mandate for each County to have a mental health board, inclusive of "c...
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