ADMINISTRATION - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick
Requested Action(s)
a) Request adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget timeline and policies
Financial Impact:
There is no financial impact at this time.
Background Information:
The budget process in Tehama County adheres to a strict timeline as prescribed by the California Government Code, specifically Sections 29080, 29082, 29083, 29084, 29086, 29089, and 29090. This timeline ensures the timely presentation of the Recommended and Adopted budgets to the Board of Supervisors, in accordance with state law. It provides a structured framework for the various stages of budget preparation, starting with the establishment of comprehensive budget policies. These policies guide the planning of expenditures and revenue collection, emphasizing financial prudence, responsibility, and consistency with the County's mission. This approach ensures the budget reflects the County's strategic goals while maintaining financial stability. Adherence to this timeline and well-defined budget policies demonstrates Tehama County's commitment to transparent, accountable, and responsible fiscal management.