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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/25/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0380 11. General Warrant RegisterGENERAL WARRANT REGISTER - 3/2/25 - 3/8/25   Not available Not available
25-0370 12. Auditor's ClaimsAUDITOR’S CLAIM   Not available Not available
25-0385 13. Consent ItemAUDITOR-CONTROLLER   Not available Not available
25-0343 14. Consent ItemBOARD OF SUPERVISORS - Park Fire Emergency Continuation   Not available Not available
25-0400 15. Committees & CommissionsCOMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS   Not available Not available
25-0404 16. Committees & CommissionsCOMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS / SPECIAL DISTRICT   Not available Not available
25-0393 17. Consent ItemHEALTH SERVICES AGENCY / CLINIC   Not available Not available
25-0352 18. AgreementHEALTH SERVICES AGENCY / PUBLIC HEALTH   Not available Not available
25-0406 19. AgreementHEALTH SERVICES AGENCY / MENTAL HEALTH   Not available Not available
25-0309 110. Recognition/RetirementSHERIFF’S OFFICE / PLANNING   Not available Not available
25-0365 111. ProclamationAMERICAN RED CROSS - Executive Director Caedy Minoletti   Not available Not available
25-0299 112. Regular ItemADMINISTRATION - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick   Not available Not available
25-0398 213. PresentationEMERGENCY / DISASTER RESERVE FUND UPDATE - Administrative Services Director Tom Provine   Not available Not available
25-0399 114. Public HearingCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM - Administrative Services Director Tom Provine   Not available Not available
25-0413 115. TransferADMINISTRATION - Administrative Services Director Tom Provine   Not available Not available
25-0397 216. PresentationCAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - Administrative Services Director Tom Provine   Not available Not available
25-0235 117. PresentationTEHAMA COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH / CODE ENFORCEMENT - Director Tia Branton, Sheriff Dave Kain, District Attorney Matt Rogers, Interim Building Official Patrick Ewald, Public Guardian/Public Administrator Melani Kain   Not available Not available
25-0232 118. Regular ItemPUBLIC GUARDIAN / PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR - Public Guardian/Public Administrator Melani Kain   Not available Not available
25-0410 119. Regular ItemPUBLIC WORKS - Interim Director Will Pike   Not available Not available
25-0207 120. Regular ItemTEHAMA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.1 - Interim Public Works Director Will Pike   Not available Not available
25-0394 121. AgreementDEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE / DIVISION OF ANIMAL SERVICES - Director of Animal Services Thomas Moss, Animal Care Center Manager Christine McClintock   Not available Not available
25-0284 122. AgreementDEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE / DIVISION OF ANIMAL SERVICES - Director of Animal Services Thomas Moss and Animal Care Center Manager Christine McClintock   Not available Not available
25-0395 123. ResolutionDEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE / DIVISION OF ANIMAL SERVICES - Director of Animal Services Thomas Moss and Animal Care Center Manager Christine McClintock   Not available Not available
25-0444 124. AgreementSHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain   Not available Not available
25-0401 125. Regular ItemSHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain   Not available Not available
25-0379 126. AgreementSHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain   Not available Not available
25-0388 127. TransferSHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain   Not available Not available
25-0390 128. TransferSHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain   Not available Not available
25-0173 129. Regular ItemADMINISTRATION / RISK MANAGEMENT - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick   Not available Not available
25-0405 130. AgreementADMINSTRATION / PERSONNEL - Chief Administrator Gabriel Hydrick   Not available Not available
25-0310 131. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION   Not available Not available
25-0332 132. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION   Not available Not available
25-0335 133. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION   Not available Not available
25-0326 134. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION   Not available Not available
25-0318 135. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION   Not available Not available