California Rural Counties Task Force - Rural Induced Demand Study
Informational presentation and material distribution sharing item regarding the Rural
Induced Demand Study released by the California Rural Counties Task Force (RCTF).
a.) This item is for informational purposes only. No formal action is required at
this time, however
b.) Consider directing staff to return to a future meeting with an analysis of how
the study’s findings may impact local or regional transportation planning
efforts. Consider possible endorsement of the study findings and direct staff
to communicate the results to relevant state agencies, advocating for
updates to existing guidance on induced demand in rural areas.
Transportation Study Updates - Staff & TAC Members
This item is to provided updates on key transportation studies that are currently in
progress or under review. No formal action is required at this time.
Transportation Project Updates - TAC Members
This item is to provide updates on key transportation projects currently in progress,
including the 99W and South Main Project, the B Street Project, and an opportunity for
any additional project updates in the region. No formal action is required at this time.
Items for Future Agenda
Closing Comments
The County of Tehama does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or
operation of its buildings, facilities, programs, services, or activities. Questions, complaints, or
requests for additional information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may be
forwarded to the County’s ADA Coordinator: Tom Provine, County of Tehama, 727 Oak St., Red Bluff,
CA 96080, Phone: (530) 527-4655. Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and/or services
or other accommodations for effective communication in the County’s programs and services are
invited to make their needs and preferences known to the affected department or the ADA
Coordinator. For aids or services needed for effective communication during Tehama County Transit
Agency Board meetings, please contact the ADA Coordinator prior to the day of the meeting. This
notice is available in accessible alternate formats from the affected department or the ADA