Public Comment
This time is set aside for citizens to address this Board on any item of interest to the public
that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of this Board provided the matter is not on the
agenda or pending before this Board. Each agenda item will have an opportunity for public
comment at the time the item is called. Persons wishing to provide public comment are asked
to address the Board from the podium. The Chair reserves the right to limit each speaker to
three (3) minutes. Disclosure of the speaker’s identity is purely voluntary during the public
comment period.
For audio and real-time commenting via phone:
(530) 212-8376, conference code 142001. Press 5* on your phone keypad to raise your hand
to comment.
For live audio of the meeting:
subdivision (d) of 54956.9) (Garst v. Tehama County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District, Tehama County Superior Court Case No. 23CI-000079)
Board Matters
The County of Tehama does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or
operation of its buildings, facilities, programs, services, or activities. Questions, complaints, or
requests for additional information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may be
forwarded to the County’s ADA Coordinator: Tom Provine, County of Tehama, 727 Oak St., Red Bluff,
CA 96080, Phone: (530) 527-4655. Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and/or services
or other accommodations for effective communication in the County’s programs and services are
invited to make their needs and preferences known to the affected department or the ADA
Coordinator. For aids or services needed for effective communication during Tehama County Flood
Control & Water Conservation District meetings, please contact the ADA Coordinator prior to the day
of the meeting. This notice is available in accessible alternate formats from the affected department or
the ADA Coordinator.