Solid Waste Management Agency Manager Recruitment
Request approval to begin 30-day recruitment for Agency Manager of the Tehama
County Solid Waste Management Agency
Staffing Agreement - Express Employment Professionals
Consider approval of the Express Employment Professionals Agreement and authorize
the Acting Agency Manager to sign the agreement and all associated documents.
Agreement for the Operation of a Permanent Household Hazardous
Waste Collection Facility with Corning Disposal
Review and approve the fourth extension to the Agreement for the Operation of a
Permanent Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility between the Agency and
USA Waste of California, Inc. dba Corning Disposal.
Grazing Lease Agreement
1) Make a determination that the lease agreement is exempt from review under the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)
(2), (3) and 15378(a) of the CEQA Guidelines because the proposed
acquisition does not constitute the approval of a project under CEQA and,
therefore, environmental review under CEQA is not required at this time.
2) Approve the grazing lease with Tom Hardesty for a twenty-two month
term for a total of $4,096.95 ($1,862.25 year one, $2,234.70 year two).
Office Closure Proposal
Recommend approval of the closure of the Tehama County Solid Waste Management
Agency office to accommodate staff vacation.
FY 2024/2025 Goals Update
This item is for informational purposes only. No further action is required.
SB 1383 Regulation Review and Update
The following is for informational purposes only. No further action is required.
Outreach Update
This item is for informational purposes only. No further action is required.
Board Matters
Board Matters is an opportunity for one Board member to present a topic to the Board of
Directors and Agency staff, and allow the Board of Directors to express consensus that staff
should be directed to address the issue and bring it back to the full Board of Directors as an
agendized matter. This is not a time for the Board to address the merits or express their
opinions on the issue but solely to decide if staff should expend resources in researching and
preparing documents for consideration at a public board meeting.