Manager Christine McClintock
a) RESOLUTION - Request adoption of a resolution authorizing modification of hours
open to the public for the Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Services as
follows: Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - Closed
SHERIFF / PROBATION - Sheriff Dave Kain and Chief Probation
Officer Pam Gonzalez
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Sheriff and the Chief
Probation Officer to sign the Interagency Memorandum of Understanding for the
purpose of providing maintenance on the Juvenile Hall sewage grinder in the amount of
$850 for each maintenance call with a maximum compensation not to exceed $6,000,
effective 8/1/24 through 7/31/25
SHERIFF / PURCHASING - Sheriff Dave Kain
a) TRANSFER OF FUNDS: SHERIFF, B-15 -From Public Safety (106-301900), to
Contingency (2002-5900), $74,126.32; and From Contingency (2002-59000), to
Vehicles (2027-57605), $74,126.32 (Requires 4/5’s vote)
1) Request to adopt the finding that California State Contract 1-22-23-23E with
Winner Chevrolet for the acquisition of (2) two new 2025 Dodge Durango AWD
meets all Tehama County bidding criteria and allow the County to take advantage of
special low pricing without the time and expense involved with conducting a formal
bid process
2) Request to find it in the best interest of the County to waive the formal bid
process for the acquisition of (2) two new 2025 Dodge Durango based on the
c) Request authorization for the Purchasing Agent to sign a purchase order to Winner
Chevrolet for the acquisition of (2) two new 2025 Dodge Durango AWD in the amount
of $109,134.50
SHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Chair to sign the
Agreement with Day Wireless Systems, for the purpose of providing radio
communications service and associated products to public agencies and private
entities in and about Tehama County in the amount of $2,632 per month with maximum
compensation not to exceed $31,584, effective 8/1/24 and shall terminate 7/31/25
(Subject to receipt of required insurance documentation)
SHERIFF’S OFFICE - Sheriff Dave Kain
a) AGREEMENT - Request approval and authorization for the Chairman to sign the
Agreement with Lexipol, LLC for access to the Lexipol Knowledge Management
System and subscriptions for the Law Enforcement Policy Manual and Law
Enforcement Daily Training Bulletins Services; and for the Custody Policy Manual, and
Custody Daily Training Bulletins Services for the rates as listed with a maximum
contract amount not to exceed $19,894.34, effective 12/1/24 and shall terminate